Polish – Danish foreign investments

The Polish parliament is proceeding on a bill that will agree to a new agreement between Denmark and the Republic of Poland on the change and termination of the Agreement between Poland and Denmark on the promotion and mutual protection of investments, signed in Copenhagen on May 1, 1990.

This is the result of the proceedings of the European Commission (so-called EU Pilot) regarding non-compliance, among others, of this Intra-EU BIT Agreement with EU law. This solution is necessary due to such clauses in the international agreements like sunset clause.

According to the justification of the Act, the largest Polish direct investment in Denmark was the takeover by Asseco Poland S.A. of IT Practice A/S block of shares. At the end of 2015, the Kingdom of Denmark was placed on the 14th position in the ranking of direct foreign investments in Poland, and the value of Danish cumulative capital in the Republic of Poland, according to the National Bank of Poland, amounted to EUR 3,3 billion.

It should be noted that the compliance of intra – EU BIT agreements is examined by the Court of Justice of the European Union on matters such as Case C-284/16. (link)


Child return order in the Polish jurisdiction based on Hague Convention

KG Legal Poland successfully obtains child return order issued by the Polish Family Court in the international child abduction case. Polish Family Court verifies in detail the conditions expressed in article 13 of the Convention. The report prepared by expert psychologists (to verify the possible grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm) is of utmost importance in the proceedings and in a number of cases has a decisive effect on the outcome of the case.


KG Legal, Polish law firm, handles an international child abduction case featured on BBC

KG Legal, Polish law firm, handles an international child abduction case featured on BBC


Notional shares in the Polish system as a method of remuneration of employees

KG Legal prepared presentation about notional shares in the Polish system as a method of remuneration of employees. The presentation includes construction of notional shares, reasons for notional shares issue, advantages and risks of notional shares. 

If you are interested you can READ the presentation or you can WATCH the YouTube video.


Letter of credit as a form of security for payments in international transactions

KG Legal prepared presentation about letter of credit as a form of security for payments in international transactions. The presentation includes risk in international trade, limiting of payment risk, incoterms 2000, payment settlement scheme etc.

If you are interested you can READ it or you can WATCH it.
