KG Legal Poland successfully obtains child return order issued by the Polish Family Court in the international child abduction case. Polish Family Court verifies in detail the conditions expressed in article 13 of the Convention. The report prepared by expert psychologists (to verify the possible grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm) is of utmost importance in the proceedings and in a number of cases has a decisive effect on the outcome of the case.
KG Legal prepared presentation about notional shares in the Polish system as a method of remuneration of employees. The presentation includes construction of notional shares, reasons for notional shares issue, advantages and risks of notional shares.
If you are interested you can READ the presentation or you can WATCH the YouTube video.
KG Legal prepared presentation about letter of credit as a form of security for payments in international transactions. The presentation includes risk in international trade, limiting of payment risk, incoterms 2000, payment settlement scheme etc.
If you are interested you can READ it or you can WATCH it.
The Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection is an antitrust institution next to which one cannot pass by indifferently. Its functioning on the Polish market is motivated by many reasons, consumer protection issues being one of them. Polish consumer protection proceedings are discussed by Paweł Dyrduł, associate lawyer from KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski Professional Partnership based in Cracow.