With the current energy crisis that many European countries are suffering, all the players, states, companies and individuals, are searching for new sources of energy at lower costs. At the same time, sustainability and the environmental compromise are becoming one of the axis of corporate activity focusing in achieving neutral-emission goals. In this context, it is worth discussing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) which are understood as long-term contracts under which a business agrees to purchase electricity directly from a renewable energy generator. This type of agreement originated over a decade ago in the United States and, since then, these contracts had grown exponentially from a 0.1 GW in 2010 to 23.7 GW in 2020 and had spread across all the continents.
This week, on February 27th 2023, the European Commission and the Government of United Kingdom had reached an agreement. The Windsor Framework, as it is named, is a new way forward for the Protocol on Ireland and Norther Ireland and is aimed to protect the Good Friday Agreement of 10 April 1998, including its subsequent implementation agreements and arrangements, in all its dimensions and in all its strands.
This new way forward rests primarily on new data sharing agreements, arrangements on customs, agri-food, medicines, VAT and excise, State aid / subsidy control, as well as specific instruments designed to ensure that the voices of the people of Northern Ireland are better heard on specific issues particularly relevant to the communities there. This new way forward differentiates between goods that are at risk of moving to the EU Single Market, and goods that are destined for final consumption in Northern Ireland. Building upon this distinction, the new way forward sets up two ways for goods to move from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. From this perspective, goods at risk of entering the EU Single Market will remain subject to full EU customs and Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary (SPS) procedures.
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG Legal has experience in preparing Affidavits in various fields for the purposes of court proceedings, mostly in cross border cases.
The Affidavit is a written statement that is made under oath. It is made by a party or witness before a person authorized to make such a statement, for example a solicitor, lawyer or court. It can also be prepared by an expert – a lawyer. It is to confirm that, to the best knowledge of the person making the statement, certain facts are true. The Affidavit form is comparable to witness statements, but must include an oath clause. This is a special type of report, which aims to establish facts signed by authorized persons, under the sanction of liability for false testimony, if the untruth was made knowingly, intentionally and concerned a significant issue.
On 12th of May of 2022, this new plan drawn up by the European Commission comes in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine. This conflict has allowed to see the dangerous ties of dependence that had been forged in recent years towards Russian energy resources. To this there must be added the fundamental importance of the climate crisis we are experiencing due to our massive use of fossil fuels. Hence, the European organization has elaborated a short-term and medium-term action plan to put an end to our consumption of fossil resources on the basis of previous energy projects.