Only in 2021, the value of venture capital investments in the USA amounted to approx. USD 344 billion, almost twice as much as the year before. The year 2022 also looks very interesting, according to PichBook, although the pace slowed down slightly compared to 2021, the value of investments still exceeded the $200 billion mark, making 2022 the second highest year in the history of venture capital investments.
In 2022, companies in the early phase of the venture cycle, supported by business angels, and companies in the seed phase did quite well, despite the fact that the market was struggling with inflation and rising interest rates.
In view of climate change which becoming pressing matter venture capital implements environmentally positive technological solutions. Especially by supporting start-ups.
Venture capital investment is about private equity financing that is provided by venture capital firms or funds to inter alia start-ups that have been deemed to have high growth potential or which have demonstrated high growth. Venture capital firms or funds invest in start-ups in exchange for equity or an ownership stake.
Transportation trade sector has a central role between Spain and Poland commercial relations. The Spanish exports reached $1.05B (2020), 47.5% were cars ($499M) while 38.3% were motor vehicles; parts and accessories ($402M). On the other hand, Polish exports reached $1.16B (2020), a bit more than the Spanish ones. However, only 19,2% were cars ($222M), while 57% were motor vehicles; parts and accessories ($659M). This data in trade transactions is lesser than the normal level they have because the data is dated from the Covid19 economic recession.
Already in 2015, as part of the United Nations Convention, the “Paris Agreement” on climate change was concluded. This agreement is called the Global Climate Agreement. Its goal is to keep the increase in the global average temperature below 2° Celsius and make every effort to keep it to no more than 1.5° Celsius. The countries of the European Union and other developed countries have committed to continue financing climate action in order to help developing countries reduce emissions and become more resilient to the effects of climate change. The Parliament of the European Union and the Council (of the European Union) issued a regulation in 2021 that established the purpose of the European Climate Law. The main assumption of the regulation is to balance emissions and removals of greenhouse gases throughout the European Union, which is to result in achieving net zero emissions by 2050. In addition, the institutions of the European Union and the Member States are obliged to introduce the necessary measures, which together are to make it possible to achieve climate neutrality, and even to reduce it in the future.
The United States is one of the countries with which Poland has been actively cooperating internationally for many years. This is evidenced, among others, by concluded bilateral agreements, the number of which, compared to other countries, is one of the highest. Poland and the United States concluded a total of 54 bilateral agreements. The first concluded contracts regulated quite basic international issues such as arbitration, conciliation, double taxation, and consular matters. In the 1990s, due to the country’s political situation, agreements regulating trade and energy relations began to appear. Several agreements were also signed on cooperation in criminal matters, protection of cultural property and extradition. Due to Poland’s presence and participation in various international organizations, and in particular in the European Union, and being a party to other multilateral agreements, the need to regulate a number of issues was avoided by concluding international agreements only with the USA. Only a few international cooperation agreements have appeared in recent years, e.g. in the field of defence, border security, immigration, science and technology or nuclear energy. In the 2000s, defense, military and technical agreements were the most common. After 2014, when the number of US military units in Poland significantly increased, many agreements were signed regarding the status of the US armed forces in the Republic of Poland. They regulate many issues, including customs procedure, vehicle registration, telecommunications, contact procedure, tax matters, environmental protection or medical support.