Polish LLC (Limited Liability Company) online – basic documents and forms

Publication date: February 21, 2023

The functioning of a limited liability company in Poland (Polish: spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością) is regulated by the Act of September 15, 2000, the Code of Commercial Companies. According to the legal definition, a limited liability company may be established for any legally permissible purpose by one or more persons. It has legal personality and separate liability from shareholders. A limited liability company is one of the most popular forms of company in Poland, which is related, among other things, to the issue of taxes. Taxes in a limited liability company are paid in accordance with the principles set out in the Act of February 15, 1992 on corporate income tax. The taxpayer is the company itself and, if necessary, it is responsible to the Tax Office for irregularities.

Elements of the articles of association of a Polish limited liability company in the online company formation system


The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development has developed the concepts of Sectoral Promotion Programs for 2023-2028 – promotion of services and advanced technologies on foreign markets

Publication date: February 21, 2023

The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development has developed the concepts of Sectoral Promotion Programs for 2023-2028. The purpose of the programs is to promote the Polish offer, including technologies, services and innovative solutions with potential for development on foreign markets. The implementation of the task will take place, among others, through participation in international trade fairs and conferences.



publication date: February 13, 2023

The Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced another call for applications for co-financing under the priority program Energia Plus. Entrepreneurs can apply for co-financing, e.g. to renewable energy sources.

The goal of the Energia Plus program is to reduce the negative impact of enterprises on the environment by supporting investment projects. The budget allocated to support investments in the fourth call for proposals has just been announced and amounts to PLN 566.9 million.


most crucial changes in the Polish employment law (2022 and changes planned for 2023)

publication date: January 10, 2023

Brand new presentation dedicated to international employers in respect of the newest and most crucial changes in the Polish employment law (2022 and changes planned for 2023), including new provisions on remote work, trial period employment contract, employment contract for a specified term, new rights of employees, implementation of work-life balance Directive.


New regulations under Polish law regarding short-term rental of apartments

publication date: January 03, 2023

Short-term rental of apartments and premises

Short-term rental of apartments consists in making a flat or premises available for the agreed use, for a specified period of time, based on agreed fee.

Short-term rental, due to the lack of its separate and comprehensive legislation, is subject to the same regulations of the Civil Code as the generally understood rental of residential premises, and therefore it is made on the basis of a rental agreement concluded between the landlord and the tenant. The premises are put into use, in the case of a short-term lease, for a fixed period of time for the fee (rent) agreed in the contract.

The importance of short-term rental in the tourism sector
