Spoofing as a form of cybercrime

Along with the development of technology, which gives us more and more opportunities, the risk of cyber-attacks on our personal data is also growing. Hackers are using more and more sophisticated methods of compromising security to achieve their goal. One of the forms of cybercrime is spoofing, i.e. a group of attacks on ICT systems consisting in impersonating another element of the IT system, the effect of which is achieved by placing prepared data packets on the network or incorrect use of protocols.

Spoofing definition

The term “spoof” dates back over a century and refers to any form of trickery. However, today it is mostly used when talking about cybercrime. Spoofing is the act of disguising a communication from an unknown source as being from a known, trusted source, which can apply to emails, phone calls, and websites, or can be more technical, such as a computer spoofing an IP address, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), or Domain Name System (DNS) server. It can be used to gain access to a target’s personal information, spread malware through infected links or attachments, bypass network access controls, or redistribute traffic to conduct a denial-of-service attack. Also it is a good way to gains access to someone’s device in order to execute a larger cyber-attack. Successful attacks can lead to infected computer systems and networks, data breaches, and loss of revenue – all liable to affect the organization’s public reputation. In addition, spoofing that leads to the rerouting of internet traffic can overwhelm networks or lead customers to malicious sites aimed at stealing information or distributing malware.

How spoofing works?


KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL participated in the training devoted to “Polish National Electronic Invoicing System” – obligatory system for entrepreneurs in Poland from 2023, voluntary in 2022

The workshop devoted to the new Polish system of electronic invoicing took place on 27 January 2022, it was organized by the Business Trends Academy, a joint project of Soneta LLC, software developer ENOVA 365, Microsoft and Intel.

About the Polish National e-Invoice System (KSeF)

The Polish National e-Invoice System (KSeF) is operated by the Polish Head of the National Fiscal Administration, who is the administrator of all data in the National e-Invoice System.

Functionality of the Polish National e-Invoice System:

  • granting, modifying and withdrawing permissions and notification of possession or withdrawal of permissions
  • verification of permissions at login attempt
  • issuing, accessing, receiving, storing and assigning identification numbers to structured invoices
  • verification of the compliance of the sent invoice with the template (scheme).
  • notification of temporary non-functioning of the system and of attempted login by an unauthorised person.


KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL will participate in “Healthtronics EU-Israel bridge”

On 27 January 2022 there will take place the event “Healthtronics EU – Israel bridge”, organized by LifeScience Cluster Krakow, which will be attended by partners from KG LEGAL. The meeting is aimed at establishing cooperation between Polish, European and Israeli entities within the framework of a virtual business mission and their familiarisation with the health sector in the European Union countries and Israel. In addition, it aims to broaden the horizons of the high-tech industry, provide practical knowledge on the commercialisation of products and inspire projects in the field of health and biotechnology. The meeting will discuss topics related to value chains in the health sector, the e-health ecosystem in Israel and the Israeli medical device sector. During the meeting, a three-hour networking event is planned for representatives of companies from the European Union countries and Israel, who will have the opportunity to present themselves during the meeting and establish contacts between each other. Companies such as ARANET, BIO-T, BORN, PERCEPTUS, DARWIN BIOMEDICAL, TYTOCARE, VIRUSIGHT, VITALERTER, YSIUM MEDICAL, ZAYA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will participate in the meeting.


Poland is the fourth country in the European Union to introduce e-Invoice – API specification

The Polish Ministry of Finance on 20 October 2021 issued a specification for the National e-Invoicing System (NeIS), providing tips for software developers wishing to integrate their programs with NeIS (API). This specification is not a source of law, but is only a set of guidelines for developers. The NeIS test environment website ( does not contain a graphical user interface for uploading or downloading invoices. It contains material intended for IT departments working on integration with NeIS. This address is also used by the published API. The logical structures used by the API, the OpenApi (formerly Swagger) documentation and editor, and the test environment public key have been made available. For the time being, no descriptive interface specification has been published, as was the case for e-Declaration or the Single Control File. It has been indicated that the test version will use self-generated signatures and seals for authorisation in NeIS, the test version does not offer authorisation via the Trusted Profile and token at this point. Invoices will be submitted using the API provided in batch or interactive mode. An Official Delivery Certificate will be available with a list of invoices sent in a batch packet or during an interactive session. The provided service will verify the correctness of the sent invoices with the working version of the XSD schema. The API introduces permissions that can be assigned to a system user. A privilege management facility is provided that will allow to view, grant and revoke privileges. The types of roles available in the process are also indicated. It is worth noting that the message states that it is planned to make the use of e-Invoice mandatory for entrepreneurs in Poland from 2023.



PEPPOL Access Points are e-invoicing solution providers who offer services fully compliant with the PEPPOL Network requirements. If a company is a certified PEPPOL Access Point, all clients can exchange their electronic documents with other participants of the network. In practice, a supplier using an Access Point sends documents to the recipient. The Access Point, responsible for correct document transmission, is obliged to ensure compliance with the PEPPOL specifications. The document is sent to the recipient’s Access Point in charge of document translation for its client. Both buyers and suppliers are free to choose their Access Point provider.

Structured e-invoices contain core system elements that are compliant with legal regulations of different countries. Those elements are essential for enabling full interoperability during cross-border business operations.
