European Union legislator, considering the previous Member States’ experiences, modified the professionalization of electronic communication idea and passed the new law – REGULATION (EU) No 910/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC [1], so-called eIDAS Regulation.

The aim of this Regulation was to increase confidence in the electronic trade market area in extent of e-business and contact with public entities by the introduction of the unified IT solutions legal frames for the entire European Union. These legal frames provide a reliable determination of the natural persons’ and organizational units’ identity.



On 11th August 2021 Poland’s lower house of parliament passed an Amendment Act to the Act of 29 December 1992 on broadcasting (radio and television)[1]. This draft law aroused vast controversies and interest both among the Polish and international society. The draft law has been submitted to the Sejm (lower house of the Polish parliament) at the beginning of July 2021 and after one month the Amendment Act was passed by the Sejm and has been conveyed to the Senate (the higher house of Polish parliament) and President. Thus, the Sejm enactment was only the first instance of the legislative process, now the Senate will get on the Act.

To see the legislation path in Sejm:

Before we move to the Amendment Act itself, at first we will begin by outlining the general legal frames of the Broadcasting Act.



Electronic currency volatility in the recent El Salvador case

The bitcoin currency has been experiencing its peak moments for a long time. Many consider bitcoin to be an easy way to earn money, and others consider it to be the “currency of the future”. Unfortunately, this view may be in future verified, as can be seen on the example of the Republic of El Salvador.

On September 7, 2021, El Salvador officially adopted bitcoin as an official and legal tender, making the cryptocurrency an accepted means of exchange for goods and services. The euphoria and optimism related to the changes did not last long, because on the same day, there was a huge drop in the value of bitcoin. Within moments on Tuesday, September 7, bitcoin’s value plunged 17% and ended its decline on Wednesday by around 10%. Other digital assets also fell. According to Kraken (the cryptocurrency exchange in general), Cardano’s token (ADA) and the second largest cryptocurrency, Ether, fell 18% and around 13% respectively. (As of September 8 at 5:00 p.m.).


Escrow agreements for the acquisition of source codes and licenses for their use

Technology transfer agreements as well as investment agreements are often accompanied by source code escrow agreements used to secure the IP rights to the software.

Source code

The key of programs and software is the source code. It is the fundamental component of a computer program that is created by a programmer.  The source code should be written using a human-readable programming language – usually plain text. The main goal of it is to set exact rules and specifications for the computer that can be translated into the machine’s language.

What is source code escrow?

Sometimes it happens that even if special software tailored to one’s needs is created by a professional company, problems may arise. The investor needs to make every effort to protect company in the event that the contractor’s company ceases to exist, for example because of its bankruptcy or liquidation. In such cases, the solution to secure the transfer of ownership of the source code is to put in place source code escrow agreement. This is a service that helps protect all parties involved in a software licence by having a neutral, independent third party escrow agent hold the source code. 

Main principles of source code escrow


MINING POOLS – How to get a cryptocurrency?

KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI KG LEGAL constantly supervises and prepares its lawyers for the specialization in which they provide services for foreign clients. In order to systematize the conceptual grid of very specialized fields of IT, telecommunications, biology, medicine and modern finance, KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI conducts internal consultations to improve the experience of our lawyers specializing in legal assistance for foreign clients from the IT and TECH sector. As a result of such internal research, KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI creates and publishes texts on topics related to modern legal problems, but also to explain the basic concepts of specialized IT and pharmaceutical fields. In this way, KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI aims to demonstrate to potential clients within specialized industries that our lawyers are also familiar with specialist terms necessary for a proper understanding of our foreign client’s business and legal needs.

This is one of those texts. We invite you to read it.

How to get a cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is not emitted by some central, national bank as it happens with classical form of money (fiat money). Cryptocurrency is made in a digital sphere and the only way to obtain the currency from the blockchain system is to mine it (similarly and metaphorically to the gold mining). Cryptocurrency mining works similarly to the gold mining. Virtual coins can be discovered digitally using computer programs. The Bitcoin, for instance, has set a limit of total of 21 million bitcoins. Thus the faster you dig bitcoins the more of them you will have (if we consider only mining). All bitcoins are lying within the blockchains system and the role of the computer program and the miners is to dig it from that system, precisely to discover it in that system. Thereby there can be one miner or a clubbed miners’ group who dig together, faster and more effectively and then they divide their profits among each other.

What is a mining pool?
