Translation into Finnish language made by Daniella Gallos, trainee at Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal
IT, bio-IT, media ja uutta teknologiaa koskeva laki
Ketkä ovat asiakkaitamme? Puolalaisena asianajotoimistona KG Legal auttaa edistämään internet- ja verkkokauppayhtiöiden, internetpalvelutarjoajien, sovellustentarjoajien, TCP- ja IT-pohjaisten ohjelmistojen kehittäjien, hakukoneiden ja -portaalien, sisällöntuottamisyritysten, sekä tuotteita ja palveluja internetissä myyvien yritysten liiketoimintatavoitteita.
Who are our Clients? KG Legal, as a Polish law firm, helps to advance business objectives of Internet and e-commerce companies, Internet service providers, application service providers, TCP/IP-based hardware and software developers, search engines and portals, content companies as well as companies selling goods and services over the Web.
On April 18, 2019 there entered into force the Polish Act of November 9, 2018 on electronic invoices in public procurement, concessions for construction works or services and public-private partnership (Journal of Laws 2018 item 2191 ). This Act implements Directive 2014/55/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on invoicing electronic in public procurement (Journal of the EU L 133 of 06/05/2014, page 1). The Directive, in its recitals, indicates above all that “The multiplicity of non-interoperable standards results in excessive complexity, legal uncertainty and additional operating costs for economic operators using electronic invoices across Member States”. The above problems may become more serious in the future due to the spread of electronic invoices. Therefore, one of the goals of introducing the above changes is to introduce interoperability, i.e. to allow the presentation and processing of information in a consistent manner between business systems, regardless of the technologies, applications or platforms they use. Under the new Act, an ICT system was created for which the minister in charge of the economy is responsible – the Electronic Invoicing Platform
The application of new technologies in the amended Polish law regulating financial markets and company law
K. Jakub Gładkowski / Aleksander Kulasza
The article presents two important amendments in the Polish law in the sector of the financial markets and the company law which make use of the innovative IT solutions and thus lead to a greater protection of investors and to promoting investments in Poland. The examples of such changes in law are the obligatory dematerialisation of the Polish securities (of non-public entities), such as bonds and the introduction – for the needs of technology start-ups – a new legal form of operating business activity, namely a simple joint stock company, for which there is provided dematerialisation of shares with the use of such technologies as Public Key Infrastructure and Keyless Signature Infrastructure, and the blockchain type of technology.
KG LEGAL Kiełtyka Gładkowski establishes I-Start – a platform for financing start-ups in life science, new technologies, including fintech on the Polish market, based on foreign investors.
Currently I-Start works on the formula of the legal structure based on Singapore jurisdiction, which is related to the founding hybrid structure in Hongkong and the Netherlands.
The aim of I-Start is to partner international investors with Polish start-ups based on the principle of extreme costs optimisation of the created joint venture.
One of the leading projects of I-Start will be financing the calculation network, through which it will be possible to dig cryptocurrency, apply and teach AI, process big data and render graphics and video.