KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski, based in Poland, advises its Clients in the registration procedure at the Polish Office of Electronic Communications. The legal services provided by KG Legal cover the process of obtaining the required licences and permits and submitting the period reports.
The Polish law firm KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski has provided complex legal assistance to a Swiss business entity operating in SaaS sector, in relation to setting up and establishing Polish limited liability company in Poland. KG Legal helped the Client to create legal framework of employing specialists in Poland.
KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski participates in a networking event with Israeli companies. The lawyers from the Polish law firm KG Legal specializing in legal services for commercial transactions will meet with the key managers of IT companies from Israel. Such business networking meetings provide an opportunity to find the Polish companies and IT specialists in order to pursue cost-effective cross border projects.
KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski took part in the 14th international symposium on “Intellectual property in innovative economy. IP in the innovation ecosystem – protection, management and commercialisation strategies”, which was held on 6-7 September 2018 at the International Cultural Centre in Krakow. The symposium addressed issues related to innovation management, creation of innovation protection mechanisms and support for commercialization processes from the point of view of small and medium enterprises, clusters, as well as university companies and start-ups.
On 10 October 2018 in Bern, Switzerland, KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski will take part in a meeting of the authors of the WebLaw IT publishing house devoted to the following topic: “The subtle connection between creativity and knowledge or: mushrooms are not to be picked on the motorway”. Elmar Mock, co-founder of the famous Swatch watches and the founder of the Creaholic innovation factory in Biel, known for its legendary watch manufacturers (such as Omega), will give a lecture discussing the above issue.