KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI participates in the webinar “The Future of Cybersceurity” organized by techUK and Barclays Corporate Bank, on Thursday, 31 March 2022.
The webinar will be discussing emerging cyber security threats, trends and solutions.
The world of cyber security is constantly evolving, with new technologies, geopolitical events and legislation appearing amidst increased investor and corporate focus. The speakers will analyse the issue of how the cyber security industry is adapting to these changes and ensuring companies stay ahead of potential threats.
Panel speakers include:
Daniel Dresner, Professor in Cyber Security, University of Manchester
Steve Howells, Director of Strategic Intelligence & Security Governance, Barclays
Michelle Kradolfer, IoT Technical Officer, Police Crime Prevention Initiatives
Rois Ni Thuama PhD, Head of Cyber Governance, Red Sift
Dan Patefield, Head of Programme, Cyber and National Security, techUK