The Annual General Meeting of the BioLawEurope association, whose members are partners of the KG LEGAL law firm and whose attorney K. Jakub Gladkowski is the auditor, will be held on June 30, 2021.
The Annual General Meeting will be held online, during which decisions will be made, among others, on the expanding cross-border cooperation and new opportunities to increase law firm legal services as part of participation in life science organizations of the association.
BioLawEurope F.m.b.A comprises a network of independent law firms, i.e. a collective number of licensed attorneys operating nationally under a common trademark or name, but not necessarily in the form of a corporation, and individual attorneys registered and licensed in one or more European jurisdictions and specialized in the rendering of legal services to commercial as well as non-profit based natural and legal persons, including universities and organizations operating, investing in and/or servicing biotech, pharma, food supplement, medical device and/or dentistry industry related.