We are pleased to announce that we have the honour of being invited to personally participate in the upcoming inaugural event of the World Justice Project EUROVOICES, which will take place on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at 15:00 CET in Brussels. The event will present the results of over 72,000 surveys conducted with both legal experts and the general public, providing valuable data to guide evidence-based policies at national and regional levels. Speakers will delve into key observations on the rule of law, governance and justice across the EU, helping to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
World Justice Project is an American legal organisation. One of its activities was a campaign to assess the actual perception of the rule of law around the world. The programme was organised in cooperation with an institution of the European Union, therefore the final of the rule of law survey will take place in Brussels.
In KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI each court case is handled by a team that combines the experience of a senior statesperson with the fresh energy of a new generation of lawyers, and this combination of live human power accelerates the potential of winning a case in court.
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI notes the achievement of our team, which includes the lawyer admitted to practice in 1982 (42 years of experience before common courts). The Polish Supreme Court verifies cases very rarely. Despite the fact that the Polish Supreme Court does not have to accept a given case for consideration, in one of our recent cases we convinced the Polish Supreme Court to review the case and verify the final unfavourable decision of our Client’s case, with which the Client approached our firm at the last stage.
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI’s litigation practice lawyers are authorized to represent their clients in commercial cases, also of a cross-border profile, before all courts, including the Supreme Court.
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL was invited to participate in a survey that contributes to UNCITRAL CROSS BORDER INSOLVENCY PRACTICE GUIDE.
The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) (French: Commission des Nations Unies pour le droit commercial international (CNUDCI)) is a subsidiary body of the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) responsible for helping to facilitate international trade and investment.
UNCITRAL is currently working on an updated version of the 2009 UNCITRAL Cross-Border Insolvency Practice Guide. The UNCITRAL Practice Guide collects experience and practical aspects of cooperation and communication in cross-border insolvency cases and cross-border insolvency agreements. The initiative is supported by a team of approximately 25 insolvency judges, practitioners, academics, and other professionals from across the globe.
The survey aims to obtain information on the most relevant cases, practices and tools used in cross-border insolvency cooperation since 2009 to be included in an updated version of the UNCITRAL Practice Guide.
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL, whose lawyers are active members of the American Bankruptcy Institute, provided practical input on cross border aspects of insolvency and enforcement cases handled by our law firm.
We are proud to share the news that KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL will take an active part in Life Science Open Space Summit 2024.
This is a flagship business and conference event organized annually for over a decade by the largest organization in the health and environmental protection market in Poland, LIFE SCIENCE CLUSTER POLAND, with the status of a KEY NATIONAL CLUSTER, founded by both leaders among Polish biotechnology companies (e.g. SELVITA) and by educational institutions of higher education (Jagiellonian University).
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL is a proud member of the Life Science Cluster.
On behalf of KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL, the lecture will be delivered by Zaid Jaber, Pharmacy BSc and IP specialist within pharma patents. Zaid cooperates with KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL in connection with his activities at the Jagiellonian University within New Technologies and IP law.
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL highly values its international environment of cooperation and has aspirations to become the platform for specialists within international law and life sciences sector.
We are very pleased to inform that, next to the specialists from the German jurisdiction (Mannheim) and the jurisdiction of the Cayman Islands and Canada, lawyers from KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL had the privilege of having their text included in the American Bankruptcy Institute, International Committee. The text discusses a critical assessment of the use of the instrument of division of a capital company utilizing a controversial valuation of shares to create a loss center and a profit center. The place of publication is the bulletin of the American Bankruptcy Institute, an organization with nearly 11,000 members. The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) is the largest multi-disciplinary, non-partisan organization dedicated to research and education on matters related to insolvency. Founded in 1982 to provide Congress and the public with unbiased analysis of bankruptcy issues, ABI is the premier professional organization in the field. Members span the entire spectrum of professionals and include attorneys, accountants, auctioneers, judges, lenders, academics, turnaround specialists, credit professionals and many others. Our lawyers are proud members of ABI in Polish jurisdiction.