Complete the cooperation with the manager with the rights of hybrids: 1) the procurator and 2) the contract of employment as a director

Very often, the management of capital companies in Poland daily is living abroad. Thus, the problem of day-to-day management of the company and the operation of the company in relation to third parties arises.


Liquidation of a branch of a foreign entrepreneur in Poland

Poland’s accession to the European Union, the development of cross-border activity of enterprises, and the desire to enter new markets contribute to the opening of branches of foreign entrepreneurs on the Polish market. For this reason, the issue of terminating the business in Poland is interesting. Pawel Dyrduł, lawyer from law office KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski Sp.p with its registered office in Krakow, discusses the problem of liquidation of a branch of a foreign entrepreneur in Poland.

Freedom of establishment

Foreign entrepreneurs, under the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Articles 49, 51, 54), may establish branches, agencies, subsidiaries, etc. in the Member States. Poland can not affect the restriction of the freedom of establishment of nationals of other Member States. Exceptionally, freedom of establishment does not apply in cases where conducting a given activity by a foreign entrepreneur in Poland would be, at least temporarily, connected with the exercise of official authority. Entrepreneurship entitlement is granted to them in relation to any type of business activity – civil and commercial law, cooperative, etc.


The most popular forms of financing business activity in Poland

Doing business in Poland is becoming more and more common. Both citizens and foreign investors are making the decision to start their business. Therefore, it is worth to briefly discuss the most popular forms of business financing available on the Polish market. The characteristics of these forms are made by Paweł Dyrduł, lawyer from KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski Sp.p with its registered office in Cracow.

Division of forms of financing

Forms of financing business activity can be divided in terms of many criteria. However, the basic division is the division into internal forms and external forms. As the name implies, internal financing is based on increasing the capital of an enterprise by looking inside it. External financing is, in turn, the conclusion of contracts with entities operating on the market, which, under appropriate conditions, agree to make available to the enterprise financial means for running a business.


Limited liability company in Poland – financial statements

Running a company in the form of a limited liability company in Poland entails the obligation to prepare the financial statements for the financial year. The obligation to prepare the financial statement, its elements and main principles are analysed by Paweł Dyrduł, associate lawyer from Polish law firm KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski Professional Partnership with its registered office in Krakow.

Limited liability company

Limited liability company (Ltd.) is one of the legal forms provided for conducting business activity in Poland. It is a share-holding company and therefore has legal personality. The establishment, operation and liquidation of this company are governed by the provisions of the Act of 15 September 2000 Commercial Companies Code. It is regulated in articles from 151 to 300 inclusive.


A proxy’s liability in a limited liability company

Establishing business proxies is a common practice. It allows entrepreneurs to save time as well as relieve the company management of excess responsibilities. It is assumed that in a limited liability company a proxy is equated with a member of the board of directors. However, it is worth considering if proxy is responsible for his actions or negligence. Pawel Dyrduł, lawyer from law office KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski Sp.p with its registered office in Krakow, discusses the issues of proxy’s liability in Ltd.

A proxy

Proxy is a special kind of power of attorney. It can be granted only to an entrepreneur who is subject to compulsory entry in the register of entrepreneurs. The grant of a proxy should be made in writing under pain of nullity and registered in the register of entrepreneurs. The method of establishing a proxy may be regulated by the company’s statute. If this is not then the general rules will be apply. Proxy may only be a natural person with full legal capacity. This means that the principal cannot appoint a legal person as a proxy. As a general rule, proxy shall include the authority for the procurator to carry out judicial and extrajudicial actions that are linked to the conduct of the business. It therefore grants the proxy the right and duty to represent and act on behalf of the company in most situations.
