Polish Patent Office Symposium – “From start to scale up. Universities perspective.”

Ron Marchant, Ray Wheatley, prof. Tadeusz Uhl and Dave Perry

After the coffee break, the first panel was held, with the theme of presenting the perspective of universities: “From start to scale up. Universities perspective.” Participants of the panel were: Dave Perry from The University of Texas at Austin, Professor Tadeusz Uhl from AGH University of Science and Technology and Ray Wheatley from MS CLP, United States.


Polish Patent Office Symposium – the Passio Group

Radosław Ratajczak and Emil Klucz

After the keynotes speeches, including a welcome speech of Alicja Adamczak, President of Polish Patent Office, Polish lawyer and patent attorney, representatives of the Passio Group – Emil Klucz and Radosław Ratajczak presented the group’s activities in the part of symposium entitled Startup and what’s next? The main sectors where the industry operates are metrology electronics, medical devices, farm technology, aviation, medicine and nanotechnology.


Polish Patent Office Symposium – Keynote speeches

Anna Azari and Alicja Adamczak

The symposium was opened with a welcome speech by Dr. Alicja Adamczak, President of the Patent Office, Polish lawyer and patent attorney. Next speaker was Dr Francis Gurry, Director General of World Inellectual Property Organization, who unfortunately could not attend the symposium in person. In this connection, a video was played, on which Dr. Francis Gurry spoke about start-ups and the importance of intellectual property, which was a good introduction to the symposium.


KG Legal participated in the workshop on “Corporations and start-ups – how to cooperate?” during the Polish Patent Office’s Symposium

Workshop on “Corporations and start-ups – how to cooperate?” was conducted by Mrs. Monika Różalska from Creators Ideation Lab and by Mrs. Beata Cichocka-Tylman from PWC Sp. z.o.o.

The subject of the workshops was identical with topic, so it was about cooperation between corporations. The participants were mainly entrepreneurs, people working in Treasury companies, start-up and other participants.


European Funds for the cooperation of entrepreneurs and scientists (Intelligent Development Operational Programme etc.) – presentation

Funding based on EU funds may also cover the development of activities undertaken jointly by economic operators and scientific entities. Such opportunities are foreseen in the Intelligent Development Operational Programme 2014-2020. Please find presentation prepared by the employee of KG Legal explaining this matter.
