Patentability of software – practical comments on patent protection in IT under the EU and Polish law

Patentability of software – practical comments on patent protection in IT under the EU and Polish law

The article prepared by KG LEGAL KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI based in Cracow, Poland, specialising in cross border cases, with focus on new technologies, IT and life science, discusses the possibilities of software patenting, the procedure of patent application in case of software, the concept of Espacenet within the European Patent Office, patent search and examination, patentability of software under Polish law, procedure in case of refusing a patent, the European Patent Convention, Vicom case in computer-related invention case, the so-called further technical effect, programs as machine and software-related patent cases.

See the link to the article in Polish:,Ochrona-patentowa-i-prawnoautorska-software-przepisy-europejskie-i-polskie-a-orzecznictwo-w-zakresie-patentu-na-oprogramowanie.html


Patents in biotechnology in the EU and Polish law

Laboratory research in science and medical setting.

The article prepared by KG LEGAL KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI based in Cracow, Poland, specialising in cross border cases, with focus on new technologies, IT and life science, discusses the issue of patents in biotechnology, patentable biotechnological inventions, patent applications procedure before European Patent Organisation, possibility of patenting biotechnological processes, elements of European patent law, patentability of human genes, European Patent Convention, EU biopatent directive, patentability of inventions related to gene sequences, use of human embryos for industrial or commercial purposes.



See the link to the article in Polish:,Patenty-na-wynalazki-biotechnologiczne-w-prawie-europejskim.html


KG Legal Partners invited to Polish – American Conference on Legal aspects of Start Ups in Poland and US

KG Legal Partners invited to Polish – American Conference on Legal aspects of Start Ups in Poland and US

Please see the full text of the invitation below:

December 2, 2016 (Friday), 5 PM
Representative Halls, Larisch Palace
Bracka 12, Krakow


The President of the Polish Patent Office expresses gratitude to Att Jakub Gładkowski, Founding Partner at KG Legal

uprpThe President of the Polish Patent Office expresses gratitude to Att Jakub Gładkowski, Founding Partner at KG Legal, specialising in IT and new technologies, for his active participation in the part of the programme „Intellectual Property in pharmaceutical-medical sector”, organised by the Polish Patent Office jointly with the Wold Intellectual Property Organisation (WPO).

See below the letter from the Polish Patent Office addressed with a dedication to Attorney Jakub Gładkowski:

“Patent Office The Republic of Poland
President Alicja Adamczak
Warsaw, 8th of September 2016
Mr.  Jakub Gładkowski KG LEGAL, Dear Sirs, (…)


How Americans do business in Poland – Polish American Innovation Bridge


Polish American Innovation Bridge PAMI
Lessons to learn. Ideas to expand – Kraków 18 – 19.11.2016
Kraków Technology Park – Polish Silicon Valley


KG Legal | polish law firm participated in the 2016 edition of the Polish American Innovation Bridge (PAMI) which took place from 18t-19 November 2016 at the Kraków Technology Park. The 2-days event, organised by the U.S. Consulate General in Kraków in cooperation with AGH University of Science and Technology and Top 500 Innovators Association, focused on entrepreneurship, innovation and cooperation of science and business in Poland.
