On November 15th KG LEGAL had a great pleasure to take part Webinar “Affordable composites for Automotive”, which has been organised by the by the Department for International Trade based in London. This UK Institution deals with i.e. developing, coordinating and delivering new trade in order to promote UK business, providing operational support and negotiating free trade agreements. The subject of Webinar was regarding reduction of CO2 emission in respect of composites for automotive.
On November 17th we had a great pleasure to take part in Festival of Innovation and Technology organized under the auspices of Górnośląska Agencja Przedsiębiorczości i Rozwoju Sp. z o.o. (Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd. (GAPR)) in a city known as Silesia’s centre of innovation – Gliwice. It was a highly valuable opportunity to encourage new contacts and familiarize with projects being currently implemented and future projects regarding Life Science sector and wide-ranging biotechnology.
In the first part of the event we had a chance to take part in International Fair of innovative Technology, during which various representatives and entrepreneurs were presenting range of offered services and their future projects. It made for us a great opportunity to professional discussion with such companies as : ITAM, IT Quality Ltd, KAMSOFT, WASKO but also with employees of polish Foundation of Cardiac Surgery’s Development named by Prof. Zbigniew Religa acting in cooperation with International Society of Medical Robots, MedSilesia cluster or scientists from University of Science and Technology in Cracow.
Branch and a representative office of a foreign entrepreneur in Poland – Foreign entrepreneurs may establish branches in Poland
A branch can operate only within the scope of the main activities of the foreign entrepreneur. The operation of the branch can be undertaken upon the entrance of the branch into the register of entrepreneurs. A foreign entrepreneur who opens a branch shall appoint a person authorized to represent the branch of a foreign entrepreneur. The scope of the operation of the representative office of a foreign business may include only the activities in the field of advertising and promotion of the foreign entrepreneur. More information can be provided by KG Legal law firm specialising in legal assistance rendered to foreign entities in their investments in Poland Website: www.kg-legal.eu Contact: office@kg-legal.pl
Limited liability company – A proven legal form for larger undertakings, either in the form of a single-shareholder company or with multiple shareholders; shareholders generally are not liable for the obligations of the company
In Poland, foreign investments are most commonly carried out in the form of a limited liability company. Limited liability company, like joint-stock company, is governed by the Polish Commercial Companies Code. The share capital of a limited liability company shall be at least 5000 PLN. The structure of the company (the management board, shareholders meeting, and in some required cases, supervisory board) is governed by the articles of association concluded in a form of a notarial deed. Limited liability company is registered in the National Court Register. The registration court fee amounts to 600 PLN. In order to register a limited liability company there is also required a legal title to the premises where the company will have its registered office.
Sole proprietorship – Unlimited liability of the sole trader in exchange for the low cost of doing business independently or in a civil law partnership Sole proprietorship in Poland can be registered online. To start such business in Poland the trader must be entered into the Central Register of Economic Activity kept by the Minister of Economy. The registration is free of charge and the online form is not complicated. The sole trader is also required to be registered in the competent tax office and in the social security office.