Computerization of Legal Work with AI and New Technologies

Publication date: November 04, 2024, by Łukasz Chwałkowski

In the face of dynamic technological development, the legal profession is encountering new opportunities that could significantly alter the way legal services are provided. The computerization of legal work, using artificial intelligence (AI) and new technologies, not only increases efficiency but can also contribute to a more transparent and fairer justice system. Implementing AI in legal practice can offer various benefits:

Monitoring Case Law



Publication date: October 30, 2024

We are very pleased to inform that, next to the specialists from the German jurisdiction (Mannheim) and the jurisdiction of the Cayman Islands and Canada, lawyers from KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL had the privilege of having their text included in the American Bankruptcy Institute, International Committee. The text discusses a critical assessment of the use of the instrument of division of a capital company utilizing a controversial valuation of shares to create a loss center and a profit center. The place of publication is the bulletin of the American Bankruptcy Institute, an organization with nearly 11,000 members. The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) is the largest multi-disciplinary, non-partisan organization dedicated to research and education on matters related to insolvency. Founded in 1982 to provide Congress and the public with unbiased analysis of bankruptcy issues, ABI is the premier professional organization in the field. Members span the entire spectrum of professionals and include attorneys, accountants, auctioneers, judges, lenders, academics, turnaround specialists, credit professionals and many others. Our lawyers are proud members of ABI in Polish jurisdiction.


CISG Convention and Trade with Taiwan – Practical Issues

When your Client is from Taiwan can you apply CISG Convention to the sales contract and sales relation? Can you refer to CISG in court?

The concept of registered office and place of business.

Publication date: October 30, 2024, BY Dawid Radziszewski

1. Introduction to the CISG Convention

The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, signed in Vienna on 11 April 1980 (consolidated text, Journal of Laws 1997, No. 45, item 286 ; hereinafter referred to as the CISG Convention or the Convention) is a fundamental legal act for international trade law ratified by 97 state parties.


Halal certification for medicinal products

Publication date: October 29, 2024, BY Zaid Adnan Jaber

Cultural and religious challenges for medicinal drugs registration in Islamic countries.  An overview of the market size of the Islamic countries

The Islamic-compliant pharmaceutical market has been emerging significantly. According to the Salaam Gateway report on Halal pharma, Muslims spent around $108 billion in 2022, and this amount is expected to increase to $142 billion by 2027. This growth has led many Southeast Asian and European pharmaceutical companies to form agreements and collaborations with countries like Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. For example, Indonesian pharmaceutical companies have engaged in joint investments with China totaling $120 million, in addition to cooperation with South Korea.

The Middle East and Africa (MEA) market has reached a value of $32.6 billion, with Saudi Arabia being the largest market at $11.6 billion and experiencing a growth rate of 9.1% per year, making it the third fastest-growing country in the MEA region. The UAE ranks as the third-largest market, valued at $4.1 billion, and has seen a growth rate of 16.5% per year, making it the second fastest-growing country in the region.


Employment conditions for foreigners in connection with international protection

Publication date: October 29, 2024

International protection is granted pursuant to the provisions of the Polish Act of 13 June 2003 on granting protection to foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Poland to persons who: meet the conditions for granting refugee status or do not meet the conditions for granting refugee status, but qualify for subsidiary protection. Article 3 of this Act enumerates the forms of protection that may be granted to a foreigner. It includes: granting refugee status, granting subsidiary protection, granting asylum and granting temporary protection. Applications for granting international protection are decided in the first instance by the Head of the Office for Foreigners. A person who wants to submit an application to the Head of the Office for Foreigners for granting international protection must report to the appropriate Border Guard body. If the application is to also concern other persons, e.g. minor children, the applicant’s spouse, these persons must also be present when submitting the application. The office’s decision on granting international protection – refugee status or subsidiary protection should be made within 6 months of the date of submission of the application, which – in special cases – may be extended to 15 months. In some cases, documents are considered in an accelerated procedure (within 30 days).
