On 22 September 2022 KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL takes part in the event devoted to the trends in Metaverse, organised by The Observer.
The speakers, including the representatives of the biggest brands and corporations, will discuss the future of businesses with the metaverse and metaverse components, like extended reality headsets, blockchain and nonfungible tokens (NFTs), IoT and cloud technologies. Metaverse in entertainment, customer choices (enhanced customer experiences), business operations (use of augmented reality (AR) to improve operations), improved education and training (virtual training opportunities).
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL takes part in the conference organised by Market Watch – platform providing financial information, business news, analysis, and stock market data which along with The Wall Street Journal and Barron’s is a subsidiary of Dow Jones & Company.
On 21-22 September 2022 KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL is taking part in Money Festival, organised by MarketWatch.
The event connects 400 of the leading minds in money from investors operating in the growth industries, including such sectors as crypto, cannabis, gaming, and EVs.
On January 31, 2022, the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on clinical trials of medicinal products for human use came into force, repealing Directive 2001/20/EC at the same time.
What the CTR actually is?
The Clinical Trials Regulation is a regulation containing provisions on clinical trials. To better understand the whole problem, it is necessary to consider what they are and what aspects clinical trials contain.
“Clinical trial” means a clinical study – any investigation in relation to humans intended to discover or verify effects of one or more medicinal products, to determine safety and effectiveness of those medicinal products. The former concept of clinical trial needed to be clarified by introducing a broader concept of biomedical research. The issue of the terms introduced in the Regulation will be discussed in more detail at the end of the article.
With the accession to the European Union, Poland faced many challenges. With them, however, many opportunities arose. The country was enabled to be part of the European financial market, including the investment fund market. Within the Union, work is constantly being carried out to unify the regulations so that it is possible to conduct business successfully in every member state.
The cons iderations on an AIFM passport should begin with explaining what AIFM is, setting out the background, specificities of the European fund market and the regulations on which the passport is based.
All about AIFM
What is AIFM? The AIFM acronym stands for the Alternative Investment Fund Manager. That is a legal person legal that conduct business activity in the area of the professional management of investment funds.
On September 20, 2022 KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL will take place in webinar dedicated to remote patient monitoring. The webinar will be organized by MedCity and Huma (https://huma.com/about), a global digital health company. Huma’s modular remote monitoring platform helps medtech companies to realize new value, from developing patient relationships to providing real world evidence around peri operative procedures.
The webinar will highlight three aspects of remote monitoring:
Real world data collection
Supercharging patient engagement
Navigating the regulatory landscape
A recent report from Rock Health noted that only 50% of digital health companies collect real world evidence. On the flip side, medtech companies on the whole have yet to realize the value of digital health tech. The webinar will also explore use cases in episodic care, diagnostic care and chronic care.