KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL takes part in the Business Mission for Organic Producers from the Netherlands to Poland

Due to its membership in the Netherlands Polish Chamber of Commerce, KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL will take part in the Business Mission for Organic Producers from the Netherlands to Poland organized on 26-27 October 2021.

Together with the Netherlands Embassy, the Netherlands Polish Chamber of Commerce participates in an incoming mission for organic producers from the Netherlands. The NPCC will be responsible for a tailor made matchmaking program for incoming companies.

The new EU Green Deal strategy, which aims to increase the area of organic farming in the EU to 25% of agricultural land by 2030, is a huge boost for this sector. In Poland, with the current share of 3.5% organic farming area, reaching the 10% ceiling by 2030 means tripling the current state.

On the other hand with 38 mln inhabitants Poland is a big market and with increasing knowledge and demand for good quality food, sales of organic products in Poland are steadily growing. Next to retail chains focused on eco certified products only, also shelfs of regular retail chains are being filled with products labeled with the EU green leaf. Also bottom up initiatives like bio trade fairs are more common and with well-developed delivery system in Poland also omni-channel solutions are very popular in this sector.

The Embassy in Warsaw together with the Polish Chamber for Organic Food prepared a report on the Polish organic production and current market for organic products in Poland. You can read the whole report under the following link:


Summoning a foreign witness to an online hearing before the Polish civil court – what is the content of the instructions issued by the Polish court to a foreign witness? What is the procedure of remote witness questioning by a Polish court.

More and more often, foreign clients of KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI KG LEGAL take part in online hearings as a part of civil lawsuits. This also applies to foreign witnesses in commercial proceedings conducted for foreign clients and settled by the Polish civil courts.

The widespread use of remote (online) questioning of witnesses results from a temporary change in the Polish civil procedure, which adapted the practice of conducting court cases in the realities of the pandemic. The proliferation of the practice of questioning witnesses has created the standard practice of summoning foreign witnesses in writing by document, which the Polish court delivers by conventional mail to the witness’ address and summons the witness to participate in the online hearing. The court in such a letter explains in great detail to the witness how and when the witness is to connect to the court online.

Due to the fact that the court informs the foreign witness in great detail about how the foreign witness is to connect online with the Polish court using a computer, KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL presents below the full content of the Polish Court’s summons and instructions.

It may turn out to be very helpful for foreign readers doing business in Poland, because this type of summons is very standard and is used in a very similar way by all Polish common courts.

The summons begins with the designation of the court by which the summons is issued. Full text of the summons together with instructions on the consequences of failure to appear online is presented below:


Changes in the procedure in the Polish civil and administrative court proceedings under the Acts of May 14, 2020 and May 28, 2021 on the amendment of certain acts in the field of protective measures in connection with the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Changes in the procedure in the Polish civil and administrative court proceedings under the Acts of May 14, 2020 and May 28, 2021 on the amendment of certain acts in the field of protective measures in connection with the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The epidemic caused by the Covid-19 virus has significantly introduced changes in the search for safe solutions for people-to-people contact. These changes also affected the courts and the mode of court hearings, in order to ensure the greatest possible safety for the parties to the proceedings and court employees. In this situation, the best way to limit direct contact was the possibility of using electronic communication methods.

Legal basis

Amendment to the Polish Act of March 2, 2020 on special solutions related to the prevention, counteraction and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and the emergencies caused by them, implemented by two acts of May 14, 2020 and May 28, 2021, allowed for the possibility of holding court hearings in Polish courts with using means of distance communication. The change resulting directly from article 15 zzs1 of the Polish Act of 2 March 2020 allowed for the possibility of participating in a remote hearing from a place other than the court, because until now the Polish Code of Civil Procedure allowed for the possibility of conducting a remote hearing, but the persons participating in it had to be present in the court building. Pursuant to article 15zzs1 point 1 of the Polish Act of 2 March 2020, during the period of the epidemic threat or epidemic state announced due to COVID-19 and within one year of the last of them being recalled in cases examined under the provisions of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure, court hearings or open sessions are held with the use of technical devices enabling them to be carried out at a distance with the simultaneous direct transmission of image and sound, except that the people participating in them do not have to be in the court building, unless holding a hearing or a public hearing without the use of the above devices causes excessive health risk to the participants.[1]

Conducting remote hearings- modes of proceedings


Online interrogation of a foreign witness by a Polish court in a commercial court case – practical bullet points on the example of a specific witness summons.

Online interrogation of a foreign witness by a Polish court in a commercial court case – practical bullet points on the example of a specific witness summons.

The changes in the functioning of the justice system caused by the COVID-19 have been ongoing since the first quarter of 2020. The first of them were introduced in the Polish legal system at the beginning of March 2020, and to date these regulations have already been amended several times. The changes mainly concern court proceedings, the way in which cases are dealt with, as well as the issue of questioning witnesses. The present article will focus on the latter issue, in order to explain in detail how a witness is summoned and examined by a Polish court.

In accordance with article 15 zzs1 of the Polish Act of March 2, 2020 on special solutions related to the prevention, counteraction and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them (hereinafter as the “Act”):


KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL is participating in Wall Street Journal Pro Cybersecurity Webinar on Nation-State Attacks

On September 30, 2021 KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL will participate in Pro Cybersecurity Webinar on cyberattacks, organized by Wall Street Journal and sponsored by Dow Jones.

The webinar will address multiple issues related to ransomware and other extortion attacks on companies. The speakers will analyse nation-state cyber activity and the motivations behind it, gaps in the understanding and how the latter may be addressed. The participants will, among others learn:

Which types of nation-state attacks have been detected recently,

Where the gaps in our understanding of nation-state attacks are,

What data and which industries are at risk,

Whether there is a hard boundary between cyber crime and nation-state attacks

How organizations can prepare for cyberattacks.

The speakers will include:




The subject matter of the webinar is closely related to core specialisations of KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI within cyber security, data protection & data privacy, international data transfers, data breaches, cybersecurity in e-payments as well as data security in virtual currencies.
