The LIFE SCIENCE OPEN SPACE 2019 Forum scheduled for 26 November 2019 is an industry event addressed to specialists, enthusiasts and activists working in the broadly understood field of biotechnology and health. Its organizer is the Klaster LifeScience Kraków Foundation.
Translation into Finnish language made by Daniella Gallos, trainee at Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal
Lääketieteeseen, biotieteeseen ja terveydenhuoltoon liittyvä oikeus
Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences & Health Care Law
Ketkä ovat asiakkaitamme? Puolalaisena asianajotoimistona tarjoamme asiantuntemusta bioteknologiayrityksille, lääketieteellisille yrityksille, apteekeille, lääkevalmistajille sekä bio-it yrityksille, sairaaloille, laboratorioille ja tutkimus- ja tuotekehitys yksiköille Puolassa.
Who are our Clients? As a Polish law firm, we provide specialist expertise required by biotech companies, medtech entities, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, producers of medicinal products and pharmaceuticals, bio-it companies, hospitals, laboratories, r&d departments, telemedicine companies and distributors in the Polish market
On July 11, 2019, the representatives of the Ministry of Enterprise and
Technology will visit the headquarters of the National Key Life Science
Cluster in Krakow. The meeting will aim to present the activities of the
Life Science Cluster. The program of the visit includes acquainting
Cluster Members (including the representatives of KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI KG
LEGAL) with the representatives of the Polish Ministry of
Entrepreneurship and Technology based in Warsaw (this is one of the 19
Polish government departments).
In Krakow
there will be launched the Centre for New Computational Methods in Personalized
Medicine – a new unit of implementation research, in which innovative methods
of medical and personalized diagnostics will be developed, using advanced
technologies, models and computer simulations for this purpose.
Małgorzata Kiełtyka, Attorney, Founding Partner of KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski indicated by the Legal 500 EMEA 2019 among the leading individuals in healthcare & life sciences sector.