Bio Law Europe F.m.b.A.

BioLawEurope F.m.b.A. (“BioLawEurope”) comprises a network of independent law firms, i.e. a collective number of licensed attorneys operating nationally under a common trademark or name, but not necessarily in the form of a corporation, and individual attorneys registered and licensed in one or more European jurisdictions and specialized in the rendering of legal services to commercial as well as non-profit based natural and legal persons, including universities and organizations operating, investing in and/or servicing biotech, pharma, food supplement, medical device and/or dentistry industry related.

BioLawEurope is registered in Denmark by the Danish Business Authority under CVR No. DK 3630 6092, as a limited liability association.

The Members of the Alliance are dedicated to rendering high quality personalized tailormade legal services to clients within the European Economic Area and Switzerland, giving their clients the opportunity to have specialist advice rendered in and for one or more of these jurisdictions.




XIV Polish Conference on Medical Robots


Zbigniew Religa after a 23 hour heart transplant, watching his patient’s vital signs. Image via National Geographic.

KG Legal will participate in the International “Medical Robots 2016” conference that will be held on 9th-10th December 2016 in Zabrze. The conference is organized by the International Society for Medical Robotics and the Professor Zbigniew Religa Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development.

The pioneer of the development of cardiac surgery in Poland was professor Zbigniew Religa, who performed the first successful heart transplant in Poland after several failed attempts. To describe how hard it was, because of the outdated equipment and lack of funds we can present you this photograph taken by James Stansfield that shows Religa keeping watch on the vital signs of a patient after a 23 hour heart surgery. The bloody mess, tangled cables and the Religa’s assistant sleeping in the corner – all of these things make this photo so special, that National Geographic chose this as the best picture of 1987 and it is considered as one of the most iconic photos in history.

During the conference a progress of surgery robot Robin Heart project development will be demonstrated. Robin Heart is a Polish surgical robot constructed by scientist from the Professor Zbigniew Religa Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development.


The information was prepared by Kamil Trzaskoś of KG Legal Polish Law Firm. KG Legal provides specialised legal assistance to IT, Life Science as well as investment processes in Poland and organises networking between Polish and international companies and research centres.

See our specialisations


Visegrad Patent Institute

visegrad-patent-instituteVisegrad Patent Institute

On the 1st July 2016 the Visegrad Patent Institute (VPI) began its activity. It was founded as a result of expanding cooperation between national offices of industry property of members of the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic).

The beginnings

Visegrad Patent Institute is modelled on the Nordic Patent Institute, created in collaboration by Denmark, Iceland and Norway, which operates in a similar way. On 26th February 2015, in Bratislava, the representatives of the founding countries signed an agreement on the Visegrad Patent Institute. Then, after the ratification by all members, International Patent Cooperation Union acting on the basis of Patent Cooperation Treat under World Intellectual Property Office appointed Visegrad Patent Institute as an International Searching Authority (ISA) and International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA).


Festival of Innovation and Technology in Poland

Festiwal Innowacji i Technologii GliwiceOn November 17th we had a great pleasure to take part in Festival of Innovation and Technology organized under the auspices of Górnośląska Agencja Przedsiębiorczości i Rozwoju Sp. z o.o. (Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd. (GAPR)) in a city known as Silesia’s centre of innovation – Gliwice. It was a highly valuable opportunity to encourage new contacts and familiarize with projects being currently implemented and future projects regarding Life Science sector and wide-ranging biotechnology.

In the first part of the event we had a chance to take part in International Fair of innovative Technology, during which various representatives and entrepreneurs were presenting range of offered services and their future projects. It made for us a great opportunity to professional discussion with such companies as : ITAM,  IT Quality Ltd, KAMSOFT, WASKO but also with employees of polish Foundation of Cardiac Surgery’s Development named by Prof. Zbigniew Religa acting in cooperation with International Society of Medical Robots, MedSilesia cluster or scientists from University of Science and Technology in Cracow.


Bio Hacker Space in Poland – Development of biotechnology in Krakow


Operation of the Garage LifeScience

In the second part of the programme, dr. Piotr Warchoł (also co-founder of Complexity Garage) introduced operation of the Garage. There are three categories of membership:

– regular

– academic

– commercial

The regular membership will gather mostly people unrelated with univerisites, but related with the DIY culture, that would create Open Space projects. To use the Garage they will have to pay a small fee.

The academic membership is free and is designed for scientific circles, researchers, which, from various reasons will not be able to carry out research at the University and also for students participating in competitions.
