CROSS BORDER CASES specialisation – French language version

Translation into French language made by Julian Morgan, trainee at Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal

Affaires transfrontalièresCROSS BORDER CASES
Qui sont nos clients ?
En tant que cabinet d’avocats polonais, Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal fournit une expertise particulière pour les sociétés et clients privés. Nous assistons des entités internationales dans leurs relations juridiques avec les entreprises, le gouvernement et les autorités administratives polonaises. Nous conseillons également en cas de litige. Nous sommes souvent mandatés par des cabinets d’avocats internationaux dans la représentation des intérêts de leurs clients en Pologne autant en matière contentieuse qu’en matière non contentieuse.
Who are our Clients?
KG Legal, as a Polish law firm, provides specialist expertise for corporate and private clients. We assist international entities in regulating their relations with Polish companies, government and administrative authorities and we assist in cross border litigations. We are often instructed by international law firms in respect of representing their clients in Poland, both in contentious and non-contentious matters.


CROSS BORDER CASES specialisation – Turkish language version

Translation into Turkish language made by Tayfun Yildiz , trainee at Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal

Polonya merkezli bır hukuk bürosu olan KG Legal, kurumsal müvekkillerine profesyonel hukuki danışmanlık sağlamaktadır. Uluslararası kuruluşlara sınır otesi dava takibinde ve Polonya merkezli şirketler, Polonya hükümeti ve diğer idari kuuluşlarla olan ilişkilerinde destek sağlamaktayız. Gerek çekişmeli gerekse de çekişmesiz dava işlerinde genellikle müvekkillerini Polonya’da temsil etmek isteyen uluslararası hukuk bürolarından gerekli direktifleri almaktayız
Who are our Clients?
KG Legal, as a Polish law firm, provides specialist expertise for corporate and private clients. We assist international entities in regulating their relations with Polish companies, government and administrative authorities and we assist in cross border litigations. We are often instructed by international law firms in respect of representing their clients in Poland, both in contentious and non-contentious matters.


CROSS BORDER CASES specialisation – Finnish language version

Translation into Finnish language made by Daniella Gallos, trainee at Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal

Rajanylittävät tapauksetCROSS BORDER CASES
Ketkä ovat asiakkaitamme?
KG Legal, puolalaisena asianajotoimistona, tarjoaa asiantuntevaa ammattitaitoa sekä yritys- että yksityisasiakkaille. Me avustamme kansainvälisiä toimijoita heidän suhteidensa säätelemisessä puolalaisten yritysten, valtion ja hallintoviranomaisten kanssa ja avustamme ranjanylittävissä oikeudenkäynneissä. Usein kansainväliset asianajotoimistot ohjeistavat meitä asiakkaidensa edustamisessa Puolassa, sekä kiistanalaisissa että kiistattomissa tapauksissa.
Who are our Clients?
KG Legal, as a Polish law firm, provides specialist expertise for corporate and private clients. We assist international entities in regulating their relations with Polish companies, government and administrative authorities and we assist in cross border litigations. We are often instructed by international law firms in respect of representing their clients in Poland, both in contentious and non-contentious matters.


Liquidation of the Polish branch of foreign entrepreneur

KG Legal is conducting liquidation of the Polish branch of foreign entrepreneur. Such changes occur due to reorganization of significant entity of freight and rail industry from Benelux. KG Legal provides absolute legal service and advises in every matter related to liquidation in order to achieve satisfactory outcome.


Obtaining the permit for investing in the SEZ – The procedure – DOING BUSINESS IN POLAND PART VII

doing-business-in-polandObtaining the permit for investing in the SEZ – The procedure

The main stages of the procedure of applying for a permit to operate in the SEZ and to purchase/lease the real property in the SEZ are:

1) the investor’s letter of intent to the administrator of the SEZ, defining the parameters of the investment in the selected location;

2) submitting the offer, together with the business plan;

3) obtaining a permit to operate in the SEZ by way of a tender or negotiations;

4) purchasing or leasing real property in the SEZ. According to polish law, this permit is a base for being beneficiary of state aid provided.
