KG LEGAL develops cooperation with Hannover Messe exhibitors

KG Legal develops cooperation due to ongoing Hannover Messe, which is the largest technological and industrial fair in Europe.

If you are interested in fairs you can visit official website:

Photo from official website of fairs.


Mobile IT Kraków 2017

Besides legal services KG Legal participates in various IT industry events. That is why we visited Mobile IT 2017 fairs in EXPO Kraków on the 22nd February. Mobile IT are the largest fairs from IT sector in Kraków. The fairs featured the subject of e-commerce, mobile applications and new technologies. It was a great occasion to meet new people and establish business contacts.

We publish short videos and photos from event below.


Controversial article 25 of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

istock-182786891-canadaControversial article 25 of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

The goal of CETA regarding to biotechnology is to overcome Canada’s issues with the European Union market called ‘market access issues’.

Canada is the 5th largest producer of GM crops in the world, growing and exporting GM canola, corn, soy and white sugarbeet and Europe has not yet approved all of these same GM crops for human consumption. Taking this into consideration Europe needs to quickly approve GM foods and crops that being exported by Canada. In Poland the public debate has started, since GM food is thought as “worse” than the food produced in a conventional manner.

In addition, the Polish translation of the CETA had to be corrected, since the article 25.2 pt. 2d) which the original form is ‘to engage in regulatory cooperation to minimise adverse trade impacts of regulatory practices related to biotechnology products’ has been mistranslated thereby it had the opposite meaning in Polish.


The information was prepared by Kamil Trzaskoś of KG Legal Polish Law Firm. KG Legal provides specialised legal assistance to IT, Life Science as well as investment processes in Poland and organises networking between Polish and international companies and research centres.

See our specialisations


What attracts foreign investments to Poland? Doing business in Poland 2016 – Part II

doing-business-in-polandMarket stability guaranteed by the legal system of the EU and competitive operating costs in relation to other EU Member States

10 years in the EU and 25 years of free market economy pose the following favourable investment conditions in relation to the markets of Western Europe:

1) low labour costs and low operating costs of the investment;
2) considerable human potential;
3) economic stability;
4) relatively good logistics infrastructure supported by a number of investments from EU funds;
5) availability of alternative forms of investment financing – Poland will be a major beneficiary of EU funds in the financial perspective for the years 2014 – 2020 (EUR 82.5 billion). Export in Poland has increased more or less twentyfold since 1995. It shows, that the main point of development and the biggest potential are young and well-educated people. According to Mastermind Translations, polish student population constitutes 10% of all European students and most of them are capable of working in foreign languages. It results in Poland’s GDP rising, which is three times faster than the average in Europe.


Software patents – patentability and software protection in the EU and Polish law

Software patents – patentability and software protection in the EU and Polish law

The article prepared by KG LEGAL KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI based in Cracow, Poland, specialising in cross border cases, with focus on new technologies, IT and life science, discusses the practice of software patentability, advantages and risks in patenting software, patenting computer-implemented inventions, EU legislation regarding software patenting, patents for IT start-ups, software patent applications, legal protection for IT ideas, software patents as crucial element for successful commercialisation of the product, patents in the context of free software and open-source software (FOSS), patents for trivial inventions, EPO patent procedure, patents for computer programs in such sectors as medical devices, the automotive sector, communication/media technology as well as the issue of novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability of software patent.

See the link to the article in Polish:,Ochrona-patentowa-i-prawnoautorska-software-korzysci-i-zagrozenia-zdolnosci-patentowej-software.html
