KG LEGAL established cooperation with Irish law firm – Shannons Solicitors. The cooperation concerning personal injury on an non-exclusive basis. KG LEGAL and Shannons Solicitors will help each other inter alia in translating legal documents, writing legal opinions.
Shannons Solicitors is a law firm based in Ireland specialising in Personal Injury, Property and Family Law. They also provide services in Criminal Law and Notary Public.
In a recent few years you could read about the Volkswagen emissions scandal (also known as “emissionsgate” or “dieselgate”). Our new business partner is dealing with this case and you can find details on their website: “Shannons have now issued and served court proceedings on VW Germany, VW Ireland and retail garages on behalf of clients affected by the VW emissions scandal.
The action is for breach of contract, misrepresentation and fraud seeking damages for all losses incurred including depreciation”.(source:
On November 17th we had a great pleasure to take part in Festival of Innovation and Technology organized under the auspices of Górnośląska Agencja Przedsiębiorczości i Rozwoju Sp. z o.o. (Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd. (GAPR)) in a city known as Silesia’s centre of innovation – Gliwice. It was a highly valuable opportunity to encourage new contacts and familiarize with projects being currently implemented and future projects regarding Life Science sector and wide-ranging biotechnology.
In the first part of the event we had a chance to take part in International Fair of innovative Technology, during which various representatives and entrepreneurs were presenting range of offered services and their future projects. It made for us a great opportunity to professional discussion with such companies as : ITAM, IT Quality Ltd, KAMSOFT, WASKO but also with employees of polish Foundation of Cardiac Surgery’s Development named by Prof. Zbigniew Religa acting in cooperation with International Society of Medical Robots, MedSilesia cluster or scientists from University of Science and Technology in Cracow.
The forms of doing business in Poland by the EU entity – Temporary provision of services in Poland on the basis of economic activity in one’s own country.
It is possible to temporarily operate business in Poland without setting up a separate entity. This form of providing services in Poland can only be temporary and in some cases an additional notification to competent authorities is required.
Market stability guaranteed by the legal system of the EU and competitive operating costs in relation to other EU Member States
10 years in the EU and 25 years of free market economy pose the following favourable investment conditions in relation to the markets of Western Europe:
1) low labour costs and low operating costs of the investment;
2) considerable human potential;
3) economic stability;
4) relatively good logistics infrastructure supported by a number of investments from EU funds;
5) availability of alternative forms of investment financing – Poland will be a major beneficiary of EU funds in the financial perspective for the years 2014 – 2020 (EUR 82.5 billion). Export in Poland has increased more or less twentyfold since 1995. It shows, that the main point of development and the biggest potential are young and well-educated people. According to Mastermind Translations, polish student population constitutes 10% of all European students and most of them are capable of working in foreign languages. It results in Poland’s GDP rising, which is three times faster than the average in Europe.